Republicans Stop Critical Federal Aid While Meeting Behind Gilded Walls On How To Give More Tax Breaks To Billionaires And Corporations
Washington, D.C. — Last night, the Trump administration sent a memo ordering a funding cut to popular, impactful programs that everyday people depend on, stopping critical support for communities across the country. This comes at the same time as House Republicans are gathered behind closed doors at President Trump’s luxury resort to plan how to pass more tax breaks for billionaires and corporations.
The Administration’s order threatens to take away critical support people need, including home heating assistance, school meal programs, Meals on Wheels, Head Start, nutrition support for mothers and young children, housing assistance, and much more. In Congress, Republicans already planned to cut funding for investments that working people depend on in order to pay for their tax cuts for the rich and big corporations – as their real priority is to help their wealthy friends and donors.
“As Republicans in Congress gather behind closed doors with President Trump at his luxury resort to discuss how to pay for massive giveaways to the wealthiest Americans, their constituents back home are forced to cope with cuts to popular and impactful programs that help feed seniors and children, heat homes, and shelter our veterans as they continue to struggle under higher costs,” said Unrig Our Economy spokesperson Kobie Christian. “Republicans in Congress and President Trump promised to lower costs and support working families, but so far, it’s clear their top priority has been the opposite. Discussing backroom deals to pass even more tax breaks to billionaires and corporations while taking away federal assistance for the rest of us is not only hypocritical and out-of-touch but also shameful and disastrous for millions of families across the country. Republicans in Congress need to stand up for their communities and fight back against efforts to withhold support from the people they represent.
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