This Doesn’t Add Up – Republicans Push Out-of-Touch Budget Excuse to Justify Adding More Than $4 Trillion to Debt

Washington, D.C. — This week, Republicans in Congress are making their most creative excuse yet to justify plans to extend their tax breaks for the wealthy: pretending that $4 trillion in tax breaks actually cost nothing at all. 

Republicans in Congress are trying to claim that extending the 2017 Trump Tax Scam, which expires after this year, would not increase the deficit because the tax breaks already exist. Republicans are even using the out-of-touch analogy of renewing a Netflix subscription, which, under Republican reasoning, does not count as spending money because it’s a recurring charge. That’s not how budgets work – in households or in Congress. 

Over the last few weeks, President-elect Trump and members of the Republican caucus have also increasingly discussed expanding these tax breaks for the rich. According to their own Netflix metaphor, this would mean a surprise price hike for everyday people. To be clear: Congressional Republicans want to spend trillions to renew their tax breaks for the wealthy and give billionaires and corporations even more at the expense of working families.

‘’When I pay my Netflix subscription every month, that money comes out of my budget — no matter how much I’d like to ‘girl math’ it away. Politicians using ‘girl math’ to dismiss the real costs of their tax plans shows just how out of touch they can be when it comes to everyday financial realities,” said Mary Esposito, whose online Instagram videos @MoneyWithMary1 make personal finance and career topics more accessible to women.

“Instead of pushing costly policies prioritizing the wealthiest, leaders should focus on what people truly need: Lower costs and greater financial security. My followers know what it’s like to hustle to pay bills, and they understand that justifying expenses we can’t afford ultimately undermines our goals. Politicians using budgeting analogies that don’t reflect real life feels dismissive of the hard work and financial sacrifices families make every day.”

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