National Corporate Greed Day of Action

June 10, 2022


Working people are paying higher prices to purchase basic necessities and services — from gas, to groceries, to prescription drugs. Meanwhile, corporations are taking advantage of inflation, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine to jack up prices and rake in record profits.

On June 10, along with organizations and activists in nine different cities across the country, we are mobilizing to hold price-gouging companies accountable for jacking up prices on working people under the guise of inflation while making record profits. 

We are calling on corporations, and the Republicans in Congress enabling them, to stop price gouging working Americans just because they can, and to lower prices for millions of working people in this country because they’re the ones raising them. 

Event Locations

Bakersfield, CA

Rep. David Valadao’s Field Office
2700 M St.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
9:30 AM PDT

Cincinatti, OH

Summit Park — Intersection of Glendale Milford Rd & Plainfield Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
10:00 AM EDT

Houston, TX

Shell Office
1000 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
8:00 AM CDT

Indianapolis, IN

Eli Lilly HQ
E McCarty St. & Delaware St. Intersection
Indianapolis, IN 46225
1:00 PM EDT

New York, NY

Whitehall Plaza
Corner of Whitehall and Water St
New York, NY 10004
12:30 PM EDT

Omaha, NE

Turner Park
3110 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68131
11:00 AM CDT

Phoenix, AZ

Opposite the Chevron Station
1702 E Camelback Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85016
8:00 AM MST

Waterloo, IA

Jubilee USMC
1621 E 4th St.
Waterloo, IA 50703
10:00 AM CDT

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